Introduction – Tree on Violence Against Women, Alcohol Abuse – JB Nagar

A group of hundred women gathered from the communities in and around Jeevanbhimanagar, Bangalore to discuss issues of alcoholism and alcoholic abuse, which have proven to decay the fiber of family values.

Due to the forthcoming elections the political parties start supplying illicit liquor at cheap prices to attract votes from the men in the community. The men end up spending all the family’s financial resources on drinks resulting in impoverishing the family from where rise the issues of physical, mental, sexual and verbal abuse against women.

Dinesh, an ex-alcoholic spoke as a testimony to set an example to these women that hope must not be lost. With indisputable strength and support he could pull his waning life together and he encouraged those women to breathe courage. The women found solace in his words and a ray of hope in their misery.


The idea to discuss this issue amongst community members grew as a seedling and germinated into a strong voice amidst these women. The women demanded the banning of the illicit liquor shops and detaining the license of the others. When the government is aware of this factually, why don’t they shut down these bars? why don’t they raid the operations of the illegal bootleggers? These questions nested in their minds and empowered them to fight this battle against the liquor lobby.

The tree on alcoholic abuse and its roots seemed to spread far and wide trying to destroy this deep-rooted evil.


Introduction >> The Story of the Cike >> Photos of the Marmara >>