Introduction – Tree on Violence against Women in Muslim Community, JJ Nagar

Marmara on domestic violence in the Muslim community was organized by Apa ki Adalat and Vimochana on June 10, 2014 under a magnificent banyan tree in Goripalya.

Marmara was mainly aimed at sensitizing men and women from the community on the issues of dowry violence, increase in the number of school dropouts by children, domestic violence, abandoning girl children and desertion of women.

The program began with a play enacted by members of Apa ki Adalat to empower men and women to refrain from spending frivolously on marriages; also the demands for dowry which burden the girl’s parents who are desperate to see their daughter settled.

The play Armaanon ki Doli- Saadgi ki Shaadi portrays a heart rending story of a young muslim girl Salma who is married off at a tender age of 16. In her marital home, she becomes a victim of domestic violence and dowry harassment. She is brutally tormented at the hands of her husband and in-laws with endless demands for dowry.

This was also a story of how unwanted a girl child is leading to some interesting thoughts on gender discrimination, female foeticide and infanticide.

The play finishes with the desertion of Salma- who comes to the street after running from pillar to post in search of justice.

There were a few testimonies voiced by men and women who participated in the Marmara.

“Girl children should be given liberty to take her own decisions with respect to education and work. She should stand on her own feet with the support of her family. Husband should respect her rights after her marriage with him”.

“It is a sin to torture women…when Allah has given equal rights, why should you discriminate? Women say no to dowry because that’s begging!”

“Islam doesn’t permit dowry, but insists on Mehr. The giving of dowry should be considered a disgraceful act”.

The people around the tree appreciated the Marmara, as it was a collective voice to end violence against women in the community.

Introduction >> Armaanon ki doli- saadgi ki shaadi >>