Introduction – Tree on violence against women, Belthangady

After women and men gathered around a tree in Belthangady in Mangalore we resolved that:

There should be total end to harassment of young girls and women while traveling in the buses, trains and public transport; protection should be provided.

Parents should change their pattern of bringing up their children (Socialization).

Once rapists are found guilty they must be punished without any delay (fast track courts, etc)

There should be equal representation of women in politics, administration and educational institutions.

Encourage and guide women to make use properly of women reservation

Equality to women in wages, educational opportunities etc

Proper committees should be formed to assess the existing school and college curriculum, education pattern, the extracurricular system and if discriminatory material is found, proper action should be taken to do away with material.

Women grievance cells should be formed in all the panchayats and should be properly functioning.

There should be an end to the disappearance of girl children.

Caste system that discriminates girls and women should be totally banned.

50% reservation for women should be realized at the earliest.

The rules regulation, dress code, rule of conduct, decency should be same for both men and women. What is indecent should be indecent to men too, what is not culturally acceptable should be unacceptable to men also.


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