About Marmara


Trees are symbols in all our cultures
trees of knowledge, trees of life, speaking trees
a tree conjures up many images -
a place of shade, of shelter,
a tree protects, it connects to others
it speaks to community, to conviviality,
a tree, and sitting round a tree can be
a non-hierarchical experience, a non patriarchal space
a nurturing space, a nourishing space

Can we look for a tree in each village/community; (wherever we are connected)
an ancient tree, a sacred tree; for instance,
to locate a tree in a area where people/women have been displaced,
a tree where young people can gather, speak of violence
a tree for children, children abused, children exploited
a tree too that will hold the dreams of the children and the young.
gathering under a tree to tell women's stories of survival and resistance.

Can we gather under a tree (trees) to
exchange our views/tell our stories, bring testimonies, listen deeply to each other
as we focus on the different faces of the violence against women
from the beating, battering, burning of women, listening to the trafficked, migrant,
refugee women, women displaced,devalued, disappeared.

Vimochana took the initiative and invited few groups and individuals
to put our heads together, think out the issues,
find creative and imaginative ways
to bring violence, in its myriad forms
into the political discourse, into the public square.

And so we met in February and had a very thoughtful exchange
we agreed that we would all prepare and offer gatherings
around trees on specific issues focusing on the larger theme
of the growing and intensifying violence against women, children, the marginalized
dalits, tribes, the homeless, the dispossessed.
This was just before the elections:
We gathered around trees, in different towns/villages in Karnataka
speaking our truths to power.

Mara means tree in our local language, kannada.
Marmara are the murmurings under the trees,
murmurings from the leaves trembling in the wind,
breaking new ground, listening to each other,
listening to the wind.

Marmara are murmurs;
of the little Indias gatherings of different communities across Karnataka
murmurs that one day may grow into a hubbub!

Marmara is creating new spaces, public spaces, political spaces
finding local knowledges that often challenge all that is universal,
uniform, the one single story, the one central mountain.
Listening to other stories, finding other dreams
from the barks of trees, from our roots.
from wisdoms written on our skins.

Marmara is creating spaces to recognize the diversity
of all those who have been marginalized
to validate our memory, legitimize our stories
for all those without a name, without a face
without a voice
for the rightless peoples all over.

Marmara, by gathering around trees,
the powerless are also speaking truths to each other, to the powerless
creating circles of care, of compassion
challenging master’s houses of profit, of privilege, of patriarchy
Marmara is seeking new concepts, new ways to justice!
As we continue to sit around trees, sipping tea.

Corinne Kumar