Armaanon ki doli- saadgi ki shaadi

The story of a young school girl, Salma, who is studying tenth grade... Salma wants to continue schooling but her father wants to get her married to Salman, son to her father’s family friend. Salman is a computer engineer with a well-to –do job. Salma doesn’t have a say in her family matters, however she has to obey her father and give up her studies.

While the talks for marriage were taking place, Salma’s father realsied the burden he had to undertake in order to get his daughter married. Salman’s father had given him a long wish list of demands to be fulfilled if the girl had to be accepted into Salman’s family. Salma’s father being desperate succumbed to all the demands. Beginning with jewelry to clothes to watches to a four wheeler, Salman’s family wanted it all!

The day finally arrived when Salma is married and living with her in-laws…as Salma is seated on the couch of her new home, her mother-in-law rashly scrutinizes the jewelry worn by her. Irked by the non-deliverance of their jewelry promises, Salman’s mother abuses Salma verbally and physically. She slaps Salma so hard, that Salma is bruised. She grabs Salma’s hand and drags her to the kitchen where she is made to slave for the rest of the day.

Salman hardly cared for her. He indulged in his mobile phone and only his friends meant the world to him. He never supported Salma from the abuses hurled by her mother-in-law; instead encouraged his parents to reprimand her for anything she did. Only when he came back at nights, all drunk, he used her and beat her up if she refused him. This dark fate now belonged to Salma…

One year went by, but there was no change in the attitude of the husband or her in-laws. They became worse by the day instead.

One of the sultry afternoons’, Salma tried to break the news of her pregnancy to Salman; but he was least bothered about what she had to say. At last he spared a minute from his incessant talks on his cell phone; he announced to his parents, they were soon to become grandparents! But the good news didn’t remain for long. Salma was given an ultimatum to bring into their house only a baby boy. They didn’t want their grandchild to be a girl. If Salma tried to defend this idea, they shut her up.

It was a Tuesday morning when the phone rang; Salman was a father now. But instead of being happy, he expressed anger. His wife had disobeyed him; and she had to be punished. When Salma returned from her parents’ house after the delivery, she knew her days were numbered. The child was as much a bad news to her as it was for Salman. She was terrified to return back to her marital home.

After the traumatic experience of not being fed for days, beaten up and not having her daughter cared for, Salma brought back the news of being impregnated. She was given the same ultimatum as before, except for this time, she was promised that if she bore another girl child, Salman would remarry and she would be thrown out of the house.

The news reached Salman’s house when Salma was standing before Salman and her family, with both her daughters. Helpless and grieving, begging for mercy and pleading them to show some concern to her, the tears from her eyes just rolled down her skinny cheek. She was standing there, with her in-laws door shut on her face. She went back to her parents for shelter but they refused to rear her any further. They pushed her Salma and her kids, disowning their daughter as a burden. She went to the Police station, but they failed to acknowledge it as a matter of concern. She went to the Jamaayat but they refused to pay heed to her. Salma with her kids came to the streets in the end.

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